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3 Hot Tech Tips For Traveling

We’re always looking for ways to improve our travel experiences, and a big part of modern day life is tech. Knowing certain hacks can save you money and hassle on the go. Here are three of our favorite hot tech tips for traveling:

1) Find Cheaper Flights Online By Turning On Private Browsing First

Thanks to cookies in your web browser, airlines and travel sites can track your visits. In turn, the prices you’ll see can increase each time you look – simply because you’ve previously searched for those same flights. Their goal is to give you a sense of urgency in the hopes you’ll purchase sooner on impulse. Bypass this b.s. by turning on “private browsing” before searching for and booking flights.

young woman sitting on an airplane
Photo by Rich Tervet on Unsplash

2) Charge Your Devices Through The TV’s USB Port 

Let’s say you’re traveling internationally and don’t have the appropriate adapter. Or maybe you’re already using the adapter for something else. Maybe you simply forgot to pack your wall plug or you lost it in your travels. Good news! Most modern TVs have a USB port on the back or side with all of its other inputs and outputs! Kind of a game changer, huh?

Screen shot of the Flight Board app

3) Download The Flight Board App 

No more having to schlep to the flight boards in airports. Get comfortable (as much as is possible in an airport) and forget about walking to the nearest board to check on your flight. Just download Flight Board, enjoy that sandwich or cocktail, and have your departures and arrivals info right in the palm of your hand. Your very own personal board. Livin’ large!

Have any hot tech tips you think we should know about? Let us know in the comments! 

And since you’re the tech-y type, you might find this article useful for your travels, too:

  • 21 Essential Travel Apps For 2021

10 thoughts on “3 Hot Tech Tips For Traveling”

  1. I love how it is short and sweet. I never knew that going incognito could help with reducing my plane fare. Thank you for the post.

  2. Jack (Nomad Tactics)

    I also think VPN can play a big role when booking a ticket… although I think the big tech companies are slowing catching up the trend

  3. Wow your first tip is going to be a massive saver for me!!! Thanks for the list. It’s nice to have a back up checker with your third tip although I do like walking back and for the board ??

  4. Awesome post! Anything to help make traveling easier is always helpful! I like using a VPN to connect to another country’s server to get cheaper prices from websites.

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